Amalgamation: August 2020
“‘Amalgamation’ is a unique blend of high-gloss arrangements, modern production wizardry, and good old fashioned songwriting.” – Roger Heathers
“Serious ear candy” – Terry Bliss

Zio Xplorescence: April 2018
This short album features six tracks of genre-melding music that have been written and composed over the last 2 years of musical exploration, Zio Xplorescence is an eccentric and innovative album that aims to blur the boundaries of modern music.

Knitted Love EP: May 2017
Knitted Love is primarily performed on the acoustic guitar, and this warm finger picking tone coupled with gentle rhythmic devices could be tied to the same influential folk roots as John Martyn and Nick Drake.

Ambitions EP: January 2016
Having spent a few years hiding away, ‘Lunacci’ (pronounced ‘loo-nah-see’) launched on stage in November and is already starting to turn heads. Giving host to a blend of different genres, enjoy this unique combination of styles.
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